Dog boots can provide valuable protection for your furry friend’s paws, shielding them from hot pavement, rough terrain, ice, and harmful substances. However, some dogs may be resistant to wearing boots initially. With patience, positive reinforcement, and a gradual training approach, you can successfully train your dog to wear dog boots. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you introduce and train your dog to wear boots comfortably.

1. Choose the Right Dog Boots:
Select dog boots that are appropriate for your dog’s size and activity level. Look for boots with adjustable straps and non-slip soles. Ensure the boots are made of comfortable, breathable materials and provide adequate protection for your dog’s paws. Many pups have wider front paws than rear paws. Ensure you measure your dogs foot correctly and follow the size guides provided by the brand.
Ruffwear Hi & Light Trail Dog Shoes Blue Moon LS3

2. Familiarise Your Dog with the Boots:
Allow your dog to become familiar with the boots before attempting to put them on. Place the boots near your dog’s resting area, allowing them to sniff and investigate the boots. Offer treats and praise to create positive associations with the boots.

3. Gradual Introduction & Positive Experience:
Start by introducing your dog to the boots one at a time. Begin with short training sessions, gradually increasing the duration over time. Hold the boot open and encourage your dog to sniff and investigate it. Reward your dog with treats and praise for any positive interaction. Associate the presence of the boots with positive experiences for your dog. Eg, put the boots on just before a walk or play session. This helps your dog understand that wearing the boots leads to enjoyable activities. Reward your dog with treats and praise while they are wearing the boots.

4. Step-by-Step Boot Placement:
Once your dog is comfortable with the boots near them, gently lift one paw and place it in the corresponding boot. Make sure the boot is secure but not too tight. Reward your dog with treats and praise for keeping the paw in the boot for a few seconds. Gradually increase the time your dog wears the boots before removing them.

Repeat the previous step for each paw, gradually increasing the number of paws your dog wears boots on. Some dogs may take longer to adjust to wearing boots on all paws, so be patient and progress at your dog’s pace. Reward your dog for each successful booting session.
Goo-eez LITES dog boots_fitting tool LS

5. Walking and Movement:
Start by putting the boots on in the house for a couple minutes. Then, try short adventures outside, gradually increasing the time spent in the boots. Start with familiar and less challenging surfaces, such as your backyard. Gradually expose your dog to different terrains and environments while wearing the boots. Reward your dog for positive behaviour and gradually increase the difficulty level.

We recommend using treats or toys and keeping the activity fun and rewarding to take the focus away from the boots. Initially, keep the sessions short and provide positive reinforcement with treats and praise.

6. Monitoring and Adjustment:
Regularly monitor your dog’s paws for any signs of irritation or discomfort caused by the boots. Adjust the fit if necessary, ensuring the boots are snug but not too tight. Make any necessary modifications to ensure your dog’s comfort and safety.


It is very normal for some ‘unusual’ walking when your furry friend first begins wearing the boots. No worries, this is totally normal and to be expected. Your dog has to re-coordinate himself to not feeling the ground on his paws. Don’t be alarmed and try not to laugh — dogs are sensitive and laughing can cause anxiety for them. You might be surprised how quickly your dog will get used to the idea of boots if you follow the tips above, and perhaps most importantly, use lots of rewards to make it a fun and engaging experience. If the fit is correct, this will be a quick process, and they will soon be walking and running like they do without boots on.

Training your dog to wear dog boots requires patience, positive reinforcement, and a gradual training approach. With time and persistence, you can help your dog feel comfortable and protected while wearing boots. Remember to always associate the boots with positive experiences, reward your dog for their cooperation, and monitor their comfort throughout the process. Once your dog is trained to wear boots, you can confidently venture into various outdoor environments knowing their paws are protected.