We would love to hear from you….

We are dedicated to providing our customers with excellent service. If you need any help or information about any item, please do not hesitate to contact us. We can be reached in two easy ways:

1. Fill out the contact us form
2. Contact us via the ‘Chat with us’ pop out, on the right hand side of your screen. If we are online we will reply straight away otherwise we will email you back.

DogCulture is a family run business and we do all the picking and packing of your orders ourselves. Being in and out of the warehouse means it is not always possible to take calls as they come in (our phone reception is not the best in the warehouse!). However we strive to provide the best customer experience we can and we do our best to respond to every email within just a few hours (if not within a few minutes if we are in the office).

Still craving voice time with us?

No problem at all, you can call us on 0438 413 599 and leave us a message with your query and contact number and we’ll call you back as soon as we can.

So whilst we may not be as easily available by phone, we are ready and waiting for your email. We’re available Monday-Friday and more often than not check in throughout weekends and holidays.